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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Doctor Appointment

So I took Treven and Talya to the doctor for their well child checks. Treven weighs 30 lbs. and is 36.5 in. tall.  He would not stand on the scale, so we had to weigh myself and him then just myself to get his weight. So now mom knows how much she weighs, but is not telling (:  He is doing good growth wise, we are going to put him in the state program since he doesn't speak like a normal two year old. Make sure that there isn't another problem. Also I thought for sure Trev would hurt the nurses for giving him a shot, but he did real well. Proud if my big boy.
Talya Rose weighs 16.6 lbs. and is 27 in. long.  Poor girl almost threw up after her shots. Mama felt soo bad): Doctor was concerned since she only gained a pound and a half since her last appt. especially when I told him that she isn't on formula anymore.  To us she is still eating everything she can get a hold of, so we aren't to worried.  She is also more active since her last appt. she has learned to crawl everywhere and no one can stop her. Thank goodness for baby gates (:
Tenielle went with us to the dr to have her wart looked at, dr froze it and hopefully that will work. If not it will be have to take a surgical procedure to remove it.

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