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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Temple Day!!

Today Rich and I wet through and recieved our endowments. We were both really nervous all day and night on Friday, just to find out that there was nothing to really be worried about!! There really are no words to explain the feelings!!  We asked Mike and Krishanda to be our escorts, thanks so much to them!! Luckily Mom and Dad watched the kids for us I am soo lucky to have such great parents!  We decided that it was a big deal, but we weren't making a big deal of it, so we didn't really invite anyone, we just told some what time it was going to be and if they wanted to come they could and if not then they didn't have to. I can't wait to go and get sealed with the kids! We are going to set a day for that and then we will invite everyone!

1 comment:

Our Family said...

Congratulations!!! That is awesome you were able to go through the temple! :)

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