Happy Anniversary

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Treven Robert Eldredge

Little Treven was born on April 9, 2010 at 10:41 PM.  He was six pounds fourteen ounces and twenty inches long.

On April 8th I went to the doctors and he stripped my membranes and so we knew that hopefully we would be having a baby very soon! I relaxed the rest of that day I was just so tired from everything.  Then on the 9th, Tiffani, Richards sister had stayed from the night before and we went to the store and then later that night she made me go for a long walk.  We got back from the walk at about 8 and I was finishing folding my clothes that I had washed and I felt my water break! I finished what I was doing and told Tiff that she should get Rich because my water had broke. We drove to the hospital and on the way I was starting to feel the contractions and then we got there and sure enough my water broke and I was dialated to a three.  I got my epidural and a little while later we had a new baby!

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